Upon login to the server, you should see the following launcher environment, including a notebook (file) browser, ability to create a notebook, launch a Julia console (REPL), or a regular terminal.
Follow the instructions from the Julia Download page to install Julia v1.10 (which is using the Juliaup Julia installer under the hood).
that natively works on Unix-based systems. On Windows, you can access the Windows shell by typing Powershell
within the shell mode, and exit it typing exit
, as described here.Ensure you have a text editor with syntax highlighting support for Julia. We recommend to use VSCode, see below. However, other editors are available too such as Sublime, Emacs, Vim, Helix, etc.
From within the terminal, type
to make sure that the Julia REPL (aka terminal) starts. Then you should be able to add 1+1
and verify you get the expected result. Exit with Ctrl-d
If you'd enjoy a more IDE type of environment, check out VS Code. Follow the installation directions for the Julia VS Code extension.
VS Code's Remote-SSH extension allows you to connect and open a remote folder on any remote machine with a running SSH server. Once connected to a server, you can interact with files and folders anywhere on the remote filesystem (more).
To get started, follow the install steps.
Then, you can connect to a remote host, using ssh user@hostname
and your password (selecting Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...
from the Command Palette).
Advanced options permit you to access a remote compute node from within VS Code.
Julia: Start REPL
from the Command Palette. Displaying a plot from a Julia instance launched from the remote terminal (which allows, e.g., to include custom options such as ENV
variables or load modules) will fail. To work around this limitation, select Julia: Connect external REPL
from the Command Palette and follow the prompted instructions.Now that you have a running Julia install, launch Julia (e.g. by typing julia
in the shell since it should be on path)
Welcome in the Julia REPL (command window). There, you have 3 "modes", the standard
[user@comp ~]$ julia
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.10.5 (2024-08-27)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
the shell mode by hitting ;
, where you can enter Unix commands,
and the Pkg mode (package manager) by hitting ]
, that will be used to add and manage packages, and environments,
(@v1.10) pkg>
You can interactively execute commands in the REPL, like adding two numbers
julia> 2+2
Within this class, we will mainly work with Julia scripts. You can run them using the include()
function in the REPL
julia> include("my_script.jl")
Alternatively, you can also execute a Julia script from the shell
julia -03 my_script.jl
here passing the -O3
optimisation flag.
The Pkg mode permits you to install and manage Julia packages, and control the project's environment.
Environments or Projects are an efficient way that enable portability and reproducibility. Upon activating a local environment, you generate a local Project.toml
file that stores the packages and version you are using within a specific project (code-s), and a Manifest.toml
file that keeps track locally of the state of the environment.
To activate an project-specific environment, navigate to your targeted project folder, launch Julia
mkdir my_cool_project
cd my_cool_project
and activate it
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg>
(@v1.10) pkg> activate .
Activating new environment at `~/my_cool_project/Project.toml`
(my_cool_project) pkg>
Then, let's install the Plots.jl
(my_cool_project) pkg> add Plots
and check the status
(my_cool_project) pkg> st
Status `~/my_cool_project/Project.toml`
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.22.3
as well as the .toml
julia> ;
shell> ls
Manifest.toml Project.toml
We can now load Plots.jl
and plot some random noise
julia> using Plots
julia> heatmap(rand(10,10))
Let's assume you're handed your my_cool_project
to someone to reproduce your cool random plot. To do so, you can open julia from the my_cool_project
folder with the --project
cd my_cool_project
julia --project
Or you can rather activate it afterwards
cd my_cool_project
and then,
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg> activate .
Activating environment at `~/my_cool_project/Project.toml`
(my_cool_project) pkg>
(my_cool_project) pkg> st
Status `~/my_cool_project/Project.toml`
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.22.3
Here we go, you can now share that folder with colleagues or with yourself on another machine and have a reproducible environment 🙂
On the CPU, multi-threading is made accessible via Base.Threads. To make use of threads, Julia needs to be launched with
julia --project -t auto
which will launch Julia with as many threads are there are cores on your machine (including hyper-threaded cores). Alternatively set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS
, e.g. export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=2
to enable 2 threads.
The CUDA.jl module permits to launch compute kernels on Nvidia GPUs natively from within Julia. JuliaGPU provides further reading and introductory material about GPU ecosystems within Julia.